This is a bonus recipe, and it's also from my childhood like the others. My mother used to call this 'a big meatball' and at the time it sounded funny, something a child loves. I've made this dish with many variations, with different stuffings or wrapped in bacon, but this one is the basic meatloaf recipe without any specialties.

(Stuffed with mushrooms, spinach and blue cheese)




400g ground beef

1 onion


1dl sour cream

1/2 dl breadcrumbs

1 tsp salt

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp curry

1/2 tsp allspice

1 egg


How to do:

1. Preheat the oven to 225C.

2. Mix the sour cream with the breadcrumbs in a bowl and let the crumbs swell for 10 minutes.

3. Chop the onion (you can sweat them with butter in a frying pan, but it's not necessary - if you do that, put the paprika and the curry on the pan also to open up the flavors).

4. Add the rest of the ingredients to the bowl and mix well.

5. Taste. If you don't want to taste the raw paste, you can take a little bit of it and fry it on a pan. Season after tasting if necessary.

6. Form a log-shaped meatloaf into a buttered baking dish. (Here is the time to fill it with any kind of stuffing, if you want to. You can try for example boiled eggs / mushrooms and onions / tomatoes and basil with blue cheese, etc.).

7. Cook in the preheated oven for about 35 minutes.

8. Let the meatloaf rest for 10 minutes.


Serve with mashed potatoes, warm vegetables and fresh green salad.



(Meatloaf stuffed with sun-dried tomatoes, picled cucumbers and blue cheese)